Michele Schalin

Strong Feelings Workshop 11-2020

My online Mindful Transformation Workshops are free, interactive and international.

Join us Saturday, November 21st from 5-6:30 pm GMT+1 (Spanish time). This month I will have two amazing speakers join me. Hazel Averard and  Herme Nicolas. We will also have breakout rooms for you to interact with other participants. Fill out the form below to attend.

Hazel – How to live well in Uncertain Times – 5-5:30 pm
“The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change -” ― Heraclitus  

As a four times expat and someone who has had more jobs than hot dinners, I like to consider myself an expert in living with uncertainty!

Due to the Covid pandemic we are living through an extended period of uncertainty that is starting to really drain us and have a negative impact on our mental and physical health. In this workshop we are going to look at exactly what is “uncertainty”, how it affects us and how we can separate what we can and can’t control to help us live well through this period. 

Michele – Learn How to Process Strong Feelings – 5:30-6:00 pm
“Learn How to Suffer Better and Suffer Less” Thich Nhat Hanh
I’ll be discussing habits we develop when we are not taught how to deal with strong emotions and how this causes us to have chronic anxiety, depression, physical pain and illness . I will share more effective ways of processing difficult feelings so you can feel better much quicker and suffer much less!

Herme Nicolas – Rebirthing and Cabalistics Energies – 6:00-6:30 pm
“Choose the positive. You have the choice, you are the master of your attitude, choose the positive, the constructive. Optimism is the faith that leads to success.” Bruce Lee

Rebirthing is an alternative therapy technique used to treat reactive attachment disorder. This therapy uses a specific kind of breathing (breathwork) meant to help you release emotions. There are 5 steps.

  • Unconsciousness desire to death
  • Parental disapproval syndrome
  • Birth pain
  • Personal lie
  • Karma and other energies.

72 cabalistics energies. 72 ways to clean and go inside to improve your life.

We need to get an approximate number of attendees to organize the breakout rooms. If you want to join us please fill out the attendance form below and feel free to leave any questions or comments. After you sign up you will receive an email with access to the ZOOM conference.

We are really excited about our new, free international workshops and we are looking forward to seeing you there!