Michele Schalin


Family Meditation Classes in Austin

Mindful Mediation Classes will improve the communication, peace, and harmony in your family! The results you will see are simply amazing! Improved Attention Span Easy Time Managing Stress Increased Sense of Well Being Improving Your Communication Skills This is the short list! Meditation and mindfulness can increase your child’s ability to regulate emotions as well […]

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Embracing Your Fears

Just like anything in life, when you change your approach to something,  that “something” changes. Whether you outlook is positive or negative, it changes every life experience you’ll have. Our fears are no different. Generally our approach to our fearful thoughts is to run away, to distract ourselves, pretend the fears don’t exist, anything… but

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The Man in the Arena

“The Man in the Arena” by Theodore Roosevelt has been a great inspiration and source of strength for me to keep following my path, even when I walk it alone. “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could

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LET’S START A MOVEMENT! I am collecting photos and videos of people doing this and I’m going to share it to the world. If you decide to write this on your mirror and you want to share it, please feel free to send it to me. Amazing tool I have learned from Marisa Peer that

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