Michele Schalin

Family Meditation Classes in Austin

Mindful Mediation Classes will improve the communication, peace, and harmony in your family!

The results you will see are simply amazing!

  • Improved Attention Span
  • Easy Time Managing Stress
  • Increased Sense of Well Being
  • Improving Your Communication Skills

This is the short list!

Meditation and mindfulness can increase your child’s ability to regulate emotions as well as feeling more compassion and empathy. It also is also an effective treatment for people of all ages that deal with anxiety, aggression and ADHD.

It’s an amazing gift you can give to your children and the entire family. Imagine how much this will improve your bond together!

How This Helps

When children and teens learn to practice meditation and mindful activities, they have an easier time handling frustration around the challenges in their lives. They can also use it to focus their attention on something specific and not allow distractions to derail them. This is a huge help nowadays with our online activity, social networking, and the never ending new apps and devices.

They will also improve your Social Emotional Learning (SEL). This is how you acquire knowledge, attitudes and behaviors needed to develop the skills for self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.

What You Will Learn

We will discuss the specific topics and practices you are interested in.  I can help with ideas of what might work best for your family even if you aren’t sure of what you need. I come to your home with a personalized class that’s fun and includes different activities with each visit. I’ll show you simple, effective techniques and exercises that are easy to implement in your daily life and promote mental health and well-being. All are evidence based by research and the scientific community.

I will teach you the basics of the brain and nervous system and you will learn about the concept of neuroplasticity and how your brain regulates emotions. This empowers you with the  motivation and dedication you need to implement the daily exercises required to train your brain.

You will learn Mindful Awareness. An intentional, non-judgmental awareness of the present moment. Practicing these activities will help your whole family develop focused attention, emotional balance, and well-being.

Imagine how this will improve the bond in your family or friend circle!  Very powerful. Very exciting! 🙂