Michele Schalin

Things I Wish Someone Had Told Me

I wish someone had told me when I first began my journey of life on my own, that where I needed to begin is sitting down on the floor with my eyes closed.

I wish someone had told me that my first step, the first step anyone must take, is inward.

I wish someone had told me when I felt I had nothing to offer the world, that what I first needed to do is sit down and breathe. That all I needed to do was learn the practice in opening to and discovering the true self sitting inside of me quietly and then from there, the rest would come easier.

I wish someone had told me that my true value and worth would be found not through attaining or gaining, but in meeting the self.

I wish someone had told me finding my way to her would bring me gold and riches that no worldly things could buy.

I wish someone had told me when I was lost and desperate for direction and support, that I was really longing to meet myself and nothing else would soothe me until I first came to touch my own inner temple of divinity.

I wish someone had told me when I was swimming in a sea of lonely thoughts and diving into dark pits, that my higher self was calling me to these places so I could come closer to my truth.

I wish someone had told me I was being called into the dark underbelly for great reason. That I was being called into the very center of myself, as to come closer to my root and bottomless source of light.

I wish someone had told me when I began to run, divert, distract, over consume, point fingers, overdo, fight, create drama, choose everything other than love, that I was running away from my own magnificence. That I was running from it because I didn’t think it was something I possessed. Because I didn’t believe in my own ability to give myself all I needed.

I wish someone had told me I was the only one who could give myself what I asked from and wanted from another. That all I would ever want, all that I would ever need, all I would ever desire, all that I would chase, and scour the earth for, was waiting there, deep in the valley of my chest. That is where I needed to start.

That there in the quiet of myself was where I would find my internal river of wealth and value. And that all I needed to get there was the breath in my chest and the patience and the willingness to understand that I was and will always be the answer I am searching for.

I wish someone had told me that from going within, I would learn, that housed within me was a tremendous light. My truest version of self. A self, free of suffering and story, my own personal guidance system, and a tremendous wealth of wisdom and knowing.  That If I committed to going inward, that I would in in fact be guided to my greatest light and most joyful existence.

I wish someone had told me that from going within I would meet the only person that could give me the love I longed for. The only person that could carry me through my darkest nights. The only person who could heal the hurt inside of me through unconditional love. The only person that could truly love me and that person was my higher self.

The self who knew of my greatness, my capacity, my truth, my limitlessness. That they are behind all the tremendous noise my mind created, behind all my resistance to the quiet. I had always been busy looking outside myself for.

We are stitched together from stardust. We are balls of light. We are limitless beings with all the wisdom we are in need of. It is in us in the moment we are conceived. Somewhere along the line we got distracted from these truths and are working to realign with them.

Wherever life leads you, whatever you must face, know deep inside the marrow of your bones, lives your earth, your home. You cannot ever lose it. It can never leave you. No matter where you run to. No matter what rabbit hole you may fall down. It will always have you.

The you that knows of your magnificence.

The you, you will meet in the space you create for yourself.

The you, you will meet in your practice.

The you, you will meet when you drop all else.

The you, you will meet when you decide to say yes to finding the most light filled journey of life.

Meditation on Insight Timer: Discovering Your Intrinsic Self, Sarah Blondin