Join me and Dr. Raelynn Haynes Sat. June 1st 3pm-5:30pm at Willow Gardens Yoga 302 S. Main Street, Buda, as we take you on an upside down adventure you won’t forget! You’ll not only learn about the MANY health benefits of going upside down, but techniques and tools to use for your own inversion practice.
This will be a fun, interactive, and informative workshop and is open to anyone who wants to learn to go upside down, and why you should! We’ll also offer some special perks including vibration plate therapy to activate your lymphatic system (everyone LOVES this), as well as light snacks and drinks following the session.
There are a plethora of health benefits to being upside down!
It activates the vagus nerve, THIS IS GOLDEN! When the vagus nerve is activated your body immediately switches to the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and restore), which calms your your mind and body. We ALL need this more often for our wellbeing!
- Increases blood flow to your brain, aiding in cognition
- Sends fresh oxygen to your gut, aiding in digestion and metabolism
- Mobilizes your lymphatics, aiding immunity
More Benefits!
- Helps with anxiety
- Improves balance
- Builds muscle
- Strengthens your core
- Increases flexibility
- Strengthens Mind Body Connection

We’ll be using the Feet Up inversion stools to help you with inversions, an inversion table so you can get “used to” the feeling of being upside down, the wall, props, and assists. Michele and Rae are both experts on using the Feet Up chair to assist their own inversion practice.
Rae is a yoga teacher, & former cheerleader and gymnast with experience in inversions and assisting those who are new to the practice. She is an “inversion junkie” who loves to go upside down!
Michele has been using the Feetup Trainer daily since 2020 and tells everyone how it has helped her with managing anxiety, pain in her neck, back, increasing her core strength and flexibility.
Note: This is not a headstand or inversion workshop. You do NOT have to have a headstand or inversion practice to join this experience. It is an experience to help you restore your health, reset and regroup! Anyone can participate. Anyone can go upside down! No experience necessary!