Michele Schalin


Online workshop Thursday, 12-1-22, 8-9:30 pm CST.
Register here to hold your space and you’ll receive an email with access to the event.

Today, mindful communication is more important than ever! Our relationships are the most important thing in our lives and misunderstandings can cause a lot of pain for everyone and even destroy the connection!

How often have you talked with someone where you completely misunderstood each other? Sometimes it can be really challenging, especially if you get emotionally triggered by them.

I can help you change that!

Active listening and thoughtful speaking are key to effective communication. Having mindful communication helps you become more empathetic, compassionate and nonjudgmental and fully present in the moment.

We will be discussing different forms of communication that will help you be more present, empathetic, and compassionate to the person you are speaking with and practices that will help you improve your skills. Using these techniques will improve any relationship in your life, personal and professional. 

After my presentation we will have a Q&A session,  where you’ll have the opportunity to share your experiences and ask questions. Afterward, I’ll end the session with a 5 minute meditation.

Register here to hold your space and you’ll receive an email with access to the event.

Looking forward to seeing you there. 🙂

